
The Successful History of TEYAŞ TDV Eğitim Yatırım A.Ş.

Since its establishment, TEYAŞ has achieved many significant successes and has become a leader in its industry. Here are the important milestones and developments in our company's history:


Gintaş Gıda İnşaat Neşriyat ve Turizm A.Ş. was founded.

This company was established to complete the construction of the Kocatepe Mosque.


The Kocatepe Mosque was completed and opened for worship.

As a result of the company's dedicated efforts, the mosque was completed and opened for worship.


KOMAŞ Kocatepe Modern Retail Enterprises Industry and Trade Inc. was founded.

This new company was established to operate in the retail sector.


The companies were merged under the name KOMAŞ.

All companies were consolidated under the name KOMAŞ to eliminate the fragmented structure.


29 Mayıs Educational Institutions Inc. and Gintaş Insurance Brokerage Services Ltd. were established.

KOMAŞ established these two new subsidiaries through a partial demerger.


TDV Eğitim Yatırım A.Ş. was founded.

This new company was established by the Turkey Religious Foundation for educational investments.


The commercial enterprises of TDV were consolidated under TDV Eğitim Yatırım A.Ş.

By the decision of the Board of Trustees, all of the foundation's commercial initiatives were gathered under this company.


KOMAŞ A.Ş. was acquired through a merger with its subsidiaries by TDV Eğitim Yatırım A.Ş.

KOMAŞ A.Ş., along with all its subsidiaries, joined TDV Eğitim Yatırım A.Ş.


CMIT Information and R&D Inc. was founded.

This new company was established to operate in the field of information technology and software.